Our Vision:

Our Vision:



Our purpose:

Our mission:

our partners

Discover More About Each Partner & Their Services. Click on the Image to Visit their Web Page.

our services

  • Family Budget Friendly method to achieve personal, financial and family success. The DIY Personal Growth Program at Larsen Family Enterprises Group obtains faster results for less money because participants are directly involved in the processes that create the needed changes. Our On-Demand online training format permits you to access state-of-the art, professionally facilitated training at a fraction of the cost you would expect going to a therapist or other life coach, business coach or mentoring program. With our support, you use our indpendently operated system to create the plan you want to achieve. Then we support your independent learning process by providing the resources you need. Our professional coaching staff is also available if you need and want more traditional services, but most of our clients appreciate the savings they enjoy when they work independently.

  • Our qualified coaches are professional facilitators skilled in providing direct training opportunities via live stream, online webinars, virtual workshops and seminars and events as well as presenting live, in person. Whether you choose a virtual or live event, we guarantee your time will be well spent!

  • Our Mentors, each specially trained in a specific area of our program, provide hands-on support to you as you work through your program. They are present to provide answers to your questions, additional training to support your learning process, and have the capacity to help resolve issues and glitches that may circumvent your progress. They monitor your learning process, act as accountability partners to help you stay on track, and provide a cheerleading section to your experience to celebrate your wins and help reignite your passion and motivation if you are struggling. They are your first-stop resource for support as you create your Thriving Successfully Life!

  • Typically used by our business owner clients who are working on building or scaling an already existing business. The consultant acts as a resource to help the client remember skills learned long ago that are helpful to building or scaling the scope of the project being worked on. Rather than functioning as an instructor, mentor, teacher, or coach, the consultant primarily collaborates with the client who is more experienced and has less need for direct teaching or training. Instead the value provided by the Consultant is in the role of being a collaborator with the client to facilitate the effectiveness of the the practices chosen by the client.

  • Our coaches, professionally trained, with personal experience in the areas in which they coach provide a top of the line resource to augment personal growth studies and training. We offer individual coaching, couples, family, and group coaching from these professionals to support the growth plan you have designed. Sessions may be held virtually, at our offices, or in the field as best meet the needs of the individual situation.

  • Opportunities to branch out beyond the day-to-day resources for training are available through our live and virtual events.

  • Our partners provide media resources to clients including blog posts, live stream events, video libraries, audio libraries, and podcasts—all accessible to, and providing special benefits for our members.

  • A full-service marketplace is offered online to our members containing proprietary merchandise, swag, gift items, and useful products carefully curated from outside our system, all available in one place for your convenience. Active membership in our communities provide member discount rights to qualified clients.

  • Privately facilitated online communities offer the convenience of networking in an environment similar to the more familiar commercial social media sites, but without the negative aspects of the use of privacy and information-stealing algorithms and censorship of what is expressed when it does not agree with the platform rhetoric and beliefs. Your right to your opinion is fiercely protected within our system as we promote free. responsible use of speech and interactions. We do not permit abusive, violent, or illegal behaviors to occur on our platforms and will not tolerate typically socially unacceptable behaviors such as vulgar language, explicit sexual content, name calling, or threats. We invite our members to engage in free discourse and use those principles to share their beliefs and influence others as they build their social skills.

our philosophy:

We Value:

  • Honesty

  • Integrity

  • Commitment

  • Independence

  • Self-Reliance

  • Accountability

  • Industry

  • Courage

  • Reliability

  • Perserverance

We teach:

  • Self Discipline

  • Grit

  • Tenacity

  • Assertiveness

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Organization

  • Productivity

  • Self-Management

  • Leadership

  • Communication

  • EQ

  • Business Skills

  • Civic Involvement

  • Success Mindset

We inspire:

  • Pursuit of Excellence

  • Living the Greater Experience

  • Creating a Thriving Successfully Life

Are you ready to create your “Thriving Successfully Life”? Click on the Button to Book a FREE Consultation to Find Out More about Getting Started!

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2024 Personal Growth Boot Camp